Introducing the New Face of Mylea Hair Care System “Revive Your Confidence”

The Hairceutical Technology Series from Mylea Hair Care System to Overcome Hair Loss and Dandruff Problems, Has Been Certified Halal and Safe for Pregnant Women and Breastfeeding Mothers
Rangkaian Teknologi Hairceutical dari Mylea Hair Care System untuk Atasi Permasalahan Rambut Rontok hingga Ketombe, Sudah Sertifikat Halal dan Aman Bagi Bumil Serta Ibu Menyusui

Hair loss not only affects the scalp but also overall has an impact on a person’s self-confidence. People typically lose 50 to 100 strands of hair a day. This is usually not visible because new hair grows at the same time, where hair loss occurs when new hair does not replace hair that has fallen out. Not only hair loss, most people have experienced dandruff. Dandruff is a scalp condition characterized by flaking of the stratum corneum, causing small white or gray flakes in the hair and scalp, usually accompanied by itching. Dandruff can occur in mild cases of seborrheic dermatitis that do not show clinical inflammation and are limited to the scalp.
Kerontokan rambut bukan hanya akan memengaruhi kulit kepala tapi secara keseluruhan ikut berdampak pada kepercayaan diri seseorang. Orang biasanya kehilangan 50 hingga 100 helai rambut sehari. Ini biasanya tidak terlihat karena rambut baru tumbuh pada saat yang bersamaan, di mana rambut rontok terjadi ketika rambut baru tidak menggantikan rambut yang telah rontok. Tak hanya rambut rontok, sebagian besar orang pasti pernah mengalami rambut berketombe. Ketombe merupakan kondisi kulit kepala yang ditandai dengan pengelupasan stratum korneum, menyebabkan putih kecil atau serpihan abu-abu di rambut dan kulit kepala, biasanya disertai rasa gatal. Ketombe bisa terjadi dalam kondisi ringan dari dermatitis seboroik yang tidak terlihat peradangan klinis dan terbatas pada kulit kepala.

Comprehensive hair care is the solution to the condition of hair loss and dandruff, Mylea Hair Care System as a hair care brand from PT Ikapharmindo Putramas is here to answer this problem. This hair care series was previously known as Mylea, now transformed into Mylea Hair Care Syste with ingredients that more tested, simpler and travel friendly packaging and uses Hairceutical Technology to solve every hair problem.
Perawatan rambut secara menyeluruh adalah solusi dari kondisi rambut rontok maupun berketombe, Mylea Hair Care System sebagai brand hair care dari PT Ikapharmindo Putramas hadir menjawab permasalahan tersebut.Rangkaian perawatan rambut ini dulunya dikenal dengan nama Mylea, kini bertransformasi menjadi Mylea Hair Care Syste dengan kandungan yang lebih teruji, packaging yang lebih simple dan travel friendly dan menggunakan Hairceutical Technology untuk mengatasi setiap masalah rambut.

Mylea Hair Care System, the latest breakthrough from PT Ikapharmindo Putramas, can also help overcome hair problems for men and women. “Mylea Hair Care System is the only brand in Indonesia that uses Hairceutical technology. “Hairceutical technology is a technology that combines hair care and pharmaceutical research results to produce medicated grade products,” said Brand Manager of Mylea Hair Care System, Eiliane Angela at the launch of the Mylea Hair Care System in Jakarta (24/8/2023).
Mylea Hair Care System, terobosan terbaru dari PT Ikapharmindo Putramas ini juga dapat membantu mengatasi masalah rambut untuk pria maupun wanita. “Mylea Hair Care System merupakan satu-satunya brand di Indonesia yang menggunakan teknologi Hairceutical. Teknologi Hairceutical merupakan teknologi yang menggabungkan hair care dan hasil penelitian pharmaceutical sehingga menghasilkan produk dengan medicated grade.,” ungkap Brand Manager of Mylea Hair Care System, Eiliane Angela saat peluncuran Mylea Hair Care System di Jakarta (24/8/2023).

He revealed that the Mylea Hair Care System consists of three variants, which are Intensive Series, Ginseng Series and Anti Dandruff Series. The Intensive series is specially formulated with the hero ingredients Chamomile Flower extract, Horsetail and Niacinamide which function to treat severe hair loss and soften damaged and dry hair caused by styling and chemical processes. The intensive series consists of 3 steps, which are Step 1 Shampoo, Step 2 Daily Instant Mask and Step 3 Hair Tonic.
Ia mengungkapkan Mylea Hair Care System terdiri dari tiga varian yaitu Intensive Series, Ginseng Series dan Anti Dandruff Series. Intensive series diformulasikan khusus dengan hero ingredients Chamomile Flower extract, Horsetail dan Niacinamide yang berfungsi untuk mengatasi kerontokan rambut parah dan melembutkan kembali rambut rusak dan kering akibat proses styling maupun proses chemical. Intensive series terdiri dari 3 step yaitu Step 1 Shampoo, Step 2 Daily Instant Mask dan Step 3 Hair Tonic.

Second, the Ginseng Series is specially formulated with the hero ingredients Ginseng Extract, Biotin and Salicylic Acid to strengthen hair roots and thicken hair strands, making thin hair more voluminous. The Ginseng series consists of 3 steps, which are Step 1 Shampoo, Step 2 Daily Instant Mask and Step 3 Hair Tonic.
Kedua yaitu Ginseng Series diformulasikan khusus dengan hero ingredients Ginseng Extract, Biotin dan Salicylic Acid untuk menguatkan akar rambut dan menebalkan helaian rambut sehingga membuat rambut yang tipis menjadi lebih bervolume. Ginseng series terdiri dari 3 step yaitu Step 1 Shampoo, Step 2 Daily Instant Mask dan Step 3 Hair Tonic.

Third is the Anti-Dandruff Series which is specially formulated with the hero ingredients Arnica Flower Extract, Piroctone Olamine and Salicylic Acid for oily hair, wet or dry dandruff and mild seborrheic dermatitis. The Anti Dandruff series consists of 3 steps, which are Step 1 Shampoo, Step 2 Daily Scalp Treatment and Step 3 Hair Tonic.
Ketiga adalah Anti Dandruff Series yang diformulasikan khusus dengan hero ingredients Arnica Flower Extract, Piroctone Olamine dan Salicylic Acid untuk rambut berminyak, berketombe basah atau kering dan dermatitis seboroik ringan. Anti Dandruff series terdiri dari 3 step yaitu Step 1 Shampoo, Step 2 Daily Scalp Treatment dan Step 3 Hair Tonic.

“To get maximum results, we recommend using a complete series from step 1 to step 3, because the ingredients in this series are interconnected and complementary,” said Business Development Manager & Technical Manager of PT Ikapharmindo Putramas, Cah Ayu Thea . He added, “All Mylea Hair Care System products are BPOM, Halal and also silicone free so they are safe for pregnant women and pregnant women.” This means that pregnant and breastfeeding mothers no longer worry about continuing to care for their hair, especially since women often experience hair loss after giving birth. Apart from that, he continued that continuing the success of Mylea, Mylea Hair Care System upgraded the active ingredients and used new packaging.
“Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, kami menganjurkan untuk menggunakan secara satu rangkaian lengkap dari step 1 sampai step 3, karena kandungan yang ada di dalam rangkaian ini saling berhubungan dan melengkapi” ungkap Business Development Manager & Technical Manager of PT Ikapharmindo Putramas, Cah Ayu Thea. Dia menambahkan, “Semua produk Mylea Hair Care System sudah BPOM, Halal dan juga silicone free sehingga aman untuk Busui maupun Bumil.” Hal ini membuat para ibu hamil dan menyusui tak khawatir lagi untuk tetap melakukan perawatan rambut, apalagi seringkali wanita mengalami kerontokan rambut pasca-melahirkan. Selain itu, ia menyambung bahwa meneruskan kesuksesan dari Mylea, Mylea Hair Care System mengupgrade active ingredients dan menggunakan kemasan baru.

“We adjusted the packaging following current developments, where we made the packaging simpler and travel friendly. In terms of formula, we also used the latest research results using tested ingredients,” he explained. He added that the transformation from Mylea to Mylea Hair Care System was because he wanted to highlight that the Mylea Hair Care System is a complete series of hair care. This hair care series is also sustainable and complementary so it is highly recommended to be used in a series at once to get maximum results.
“Kami menyesuaikan kemasan mengikuti perkembangan saat ini dimana kami membuat kemasan menjadi lebih simple dan travel friendly, dari sisi formula kami juga menggunakan hasil penelitian terbaru dengan menggunakan ingredients yang teruji,” jelasnya. Ia menambahkan bahwa transformasi dari Mylea menjadi Mylea Hair Care System lantaran ingin menghighlight bahwa Mylea Hair Care System merupakan serangkaian perawatan rambut lengkap. Rangakaian perawatan rambut ini juga berkesinambungan dan saling melengkapi sehingga sangat dianjurkan untuk digunakan secara serangkaian sekaligus agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.

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